Hello Spring! Hello Nature!

Hello Beautiful Weather!

The weather is getting warmer here in Little Rock and I am so excited for multiple reasons. I love warm weather and all of the opportunities it provides for getting outside and enjoying all that nature has to offer. What makes it even better, is that there are multiple ways to enjoy being outside that can reach anyone at any age. So here are my top things I can't wait to do outside this spring:

Spending Time in Two Rivers Park

When I moved to Little Rock last year I found this gem ofa spot and have been hooked ever since. My personal favorite thing to do is to go running in this one mile spot that smells of flowers from around March to April (it's about half a mile or so from the parking lot and over the bridge). It lasted for about a month last year but it was flower scented heaven every breath of my run. I literally ran back and forth in that little stretch because I loved it so much. You don't have to run to enjoy it though. Bike, walk, skate, or any other means of transport you have. Feel free to even bring a friend or loved one to make it fun. Remember, sharing is caring!


Spending time in nature has shown MULTIPLE health benefits and gardening is no different. Making a garden and maintaining it is a peaceful and rewarding past time for quite a few reasons:

  • Picking flowers or plants you personally like versus being surrounded by ones already chosen for you.
  • The joy of watching your hard work grow into blooming and colorful flowers.
  • Getting to use fresh herbs from your garden in dishes and drinks (believe me, this is a big one! Fresh herbs elevate dishes and drinks to a whole new level in cooking).
  • The serenity of spending time in your little oasis (read a book, sit and sunbathe, enjoy a tasty beverage in a chair, or chat with friends/family).

I personally love to plant flowers and herbs; this year I plan on tackling some vegetables on my patio garden (more to come later). Whatever type of gardening you decide to participate in, even if it is just one pot, you'll be able to experience the joys of gardening.


Grilling not only makes delicious food but it's also a great way to spend time with friends and family while reaping the benefits of being outside. 

Outdoor Activities

A great benefit of living in the natural state is all of the outdoor activities we have access to (especially with warm weather). Here's a few ideas to get you started:

  • Hiking in any of the State Parks
  • Canoeing on the Buffalo River
  • Biking Around Little Rock or the Big Dam Bridge Area
  • Boating, Water Skiing, etc.
  • Swimming and Relaxing by a Pool
  • Climbing Pinnacle Mountain
  • Taking a Picnic Outside


Warm weather means it's festival season with a variety of events and fun for all ages. Check back for a post coming soon about fun festivals around the Little Rock area to attend this season.

We'll See You Outside!