Training With Treasure

Ready to start getting the results you've always wanted?

Our holistic approach to wellness and finding your happiest self includes movement. You're unique and so is your body. That's why certain types of exercise not only make you feel good while doing them, but can actually make or break what kind of results you get. We can talk about your unique body and what types of exercise will keep you motivated and on track. Contact us to schedule your free health assessment and to get started on your personal journey to feeling (and looking) better.  

One-on-One Sessions

Escape group classes and get the one-on-one attention you need. Treasure will craft a workout designed to make your body feel strong and more mobile. She will be your guide to learn the correct form of movement and exercise progression. 

Types of Exercise

There's more than one way to exercise.

  • Tabata/Interval Training

  • Body Weight/At Home Training

  • High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

  • Foundation/Strength Training

  • Stretching with Yoga

  • Light Weight Training

  • Exercise Modifications For Joint Pain

How Often

It takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks to create a lifestyle change. Meaning, it takes time to find the right exercise to fit your personality and become a habit and something you look forward to doing, not dreading. Also, weight loss and muscle toning can be achieved in this amount of time. Our goal is to help you navigate to your goal and create sustainable, lifestyle changes. We highly recommend starting out with at least two, preferably three, 45-60 minute strength training sessions with Treasure each week for two months (a total of 16 sessions at 2 times per week or 24 sessions at 3 times per week). This allows time to learn about proper form, exercise progressions, massage techniques, and any necessary modifications needed for your unique body.

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**Additional sessions can be added as needed.

Ways to Meet & Sweat

We have a variety of options to meet and get your sweat on! We can meet you at your apartment gym, our private home-studio, or get in an outdoor workout (hello bootcamp style!). After your complimentary health assessment, you will be able to schedule your sessions with Treasure (upon purchase of a Personal Training You & I Program). Payment arrangements can also be made at this time. 


$100 per session. We offer a 10% discount on a bulk purchase of 10 or more sessions.

Specials: Purchase a 2 or 3 month package of either 2 or 3 sessions per week upfront to receive a free 7-Day Meal Plan.  GET STARTED HERE.

Forms of payment: Cash, Check, CashApp, Venmo or PayPal.

Payment arrangements can be made in person after your initial health assessment. 

**Additional Personal Training sessions can be purchased at the rate of $100 per session.