You & I Program

One-on-One Sessions

Life can be busy and hectic and it's easy to get swept up with all that we "have" to do. But often times, that comes at the expense of leaving your health and happiness out of the picture. We've convinced ourselves that there will always be time for it later but when is later? And what if later is too late?

Don't wait! Stop putting yourself on hold and let us help you create your journey to happiness and wellness. Let's dream and envision together a life that can be sustained by a lifestyle that you can actually manage. In our one-on-one sessions we cover a wide variety of topics based on our Core Wellness foundation that pertain specifically to you. You'll be able to ask questions, gain recommendations, and have help creating a step by step pathway to change.

Topics Covered

  • How what you feel, think, and do are all interconnected based upon our Core Wellness Foundation.

  • How to tune into your own unique bio-individuality.

  • Healthy Nutrition

    • Simple Home Meals

    • Eating Out and Staying on Track

    • The connection between the food you eat and how you feel.

    • Digestion and Regularity

    • Control Cravings

  • Weight Loss

  • Goal Setting with Accountability

  • Sleep

  • Energy

  • Happiness

  • Stress Management

  • Self Care

  • The power of positive thinking and how what we think directly impacts  e v e r y t h i n g.

  • Why balance is the answer and how to continuously create it each and every day.

What You Can Expect

Our complimentary initial session is an easy meet and greet to see if we would be a good fit to work together to achieve your goals. This free session can be done in person, on the phone or even via FaceTime or Skype. Contact us today to schedule your initial complementary session!

If you decide to continue, each session with your personal navigator is approximately 60 minutes long. At the end of each session, you'll receive tips and recommendations as well as an email covering the topics of your discussion. In between meetings, you'll be in contact with your navigator as they help cheer, motivate and encourage you to reach your goals.

How Often

It takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks to create a lifestyle change. Therefore, we highly recommend at least two 60 minute sessions each month for two months (a total of 4 sessions). Additional individual session can be added as needed.

Ways to Meet & Communicate

We understand that making time to meet in person is not always possible so we also offer our sessions via Skype, FaceTime or over the phone. After your complimentary initial session, you will be able to schedule your sessions with your personal navigator upon purchase of a You & I Program.


$80 per session.

**We offer a 10% discount on a bulk purchase of 10 sessions or more.

There are 3 C's in life: Choice, Chance, Change. You must make the choice, to take the chance, if you want anything in life to change.


It's time to make yourself a priority. No more excuses, no more regret, no more should haves. Now is the time to fully invest in yourself and your wellness. You're amazing and radiant.  It's time to let yourself shine.

Need More Information?

Contact us today to schedule your initial complementary session and discover if our You & I Program is the right fit for you.