
Meet Courtney

Hi There!

My name is Courtney and I'm one part energy, one part passion and a complete lover of life. I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas and recently moved to Little Rock, Arkansas for my boyfriend Pierre (yep, he's French!). Along my journey I discovered not only a new city and friends, but a way to pursue passions I've always had.

Since I was young I've always wanted to help people and have always had a drive for making the world a better place. After going through nursing school and working as a RN I found myself increasingly dissatisfied and mystified at times for the way health care is done today. Through personal experience and spending time hearing about others dilemmas and solutions for their own lives I've changed my focus towards preventative health.

I firmly believe that each of us has the ability to reach our dreams and to find life long health and happiness. The challenge is learning to reconnect with yourself in a deeper way and to find balance between physical, mental and emotional well-being. This isn't a do it once and done plan but rather a life long commitment to oneself. It's about claiming your right to health and happiness and making it yours.

My goal is to help others find the joyful and healthy versions of themselves in a way that doesn't compromise you, but motivates you. I want to help you rediscover yourself and the power within to transform your life.